Ficha Uchi


Be careful before sharing your
information online

#FichaUchi is a Data Protection sensitisation campaign by The Open Institute

Nikona right ya kukunyima data yangu

Be careful before sharing your information online

Ficha Uchi is an awareness campaign dedicated to educating citizens in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania on data privacy, protecting their personal information, and ensure that they can exercise their rights under their country's Data Protection Act.

Citizens Reached

195 million

Insights from

3 Countries

Radio Engagements

9 Shows


The #FichaUchi campaign raises awareness about data protection, educating the public on their rights, responsibilities, and the importance of the Data Protection Act.


How community radio localized Data Rights Awareness in Kenyan Communities

We launched the #FichaUchi campaign to raise awareness about the inadvertent exposure of personal information among Kenyan citizens. Through a series of talk shows broadcasted on community radios across nine counties in Kenya, we sought to shed light on data protection and educate citizens with knowledge about their rights. The discussions touched on various facets […]

#FichaUchi: Insights from Focus Group Discussions on Data Protection

In 2023, the Ficha Uchi Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) covered 9 counties, aiming to delve deeper into citizens’ perceptions of personal data. This is what we learned. In East Africa, especially in Kenya, the progression of data protection regulations has often trailed behind more developed regions. Despite the notable advancement with the enactment of the Kenya […]

#FichaUchi: Analyzing the Impact of the Campaign’s Messaging

After the successful Ficha Uchi campaign we ran in 2023, reaching over 100 million people digitally, we assessed the impact of our messaging using a powerful tool called Swayable. Swayable operates on the principle of test and control sampling, a method widely employed in research and marketing to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions. The test sample comprises responses […]